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First Review of "Miracle on Christmas"
Our faith-based picture fares well in its initial contact with the critics. Miracle on Christmas, written and directed by yours truly, is...
Thomas Bonifield
Oct 28, 20202 min read

Three Weeks to "Miracle on Christmas"
The faith-based feature film focuses on the reason for the season. Not much longer now! Miracle on Christmas will hit store shelves and...
Thomas Bonifield
Oct 14, 20202 min read

Release Date Set for "Miracle on Christmas"
Our inaugural faith-based feature film aims to entertain and inspire a sense of hope when it debuts in early November. It is with bated...
Thomas Bonifield
Sep 29, 20202 min read

A First Glimpse of "Miracle on Christmas"
Today is the day we debut the trailer for our faith-based Yuletide movie. If you visit Christian Film Blog regularly, you have already...
Thomas Bonifield
Sep 7, 20201 min read

Oh, my! "Miracle on Christmas" is Ever so Close
The time has come to reveal the official poster artwork for our faith-based Yuletide picture. With Christmas less than four months away,...
Thomas Bonifield
Sep 2, 20202 min read

Wedding Bells Ring for Erin Bethea
The Christian actress says "I do" to fellow actor Drew Waters. Erin Bethea is best known for her role in the 2008 faith-based hit movie...
Thomas Bonifield
Jul 20, 20201 min read

Snowy, the Family Dog in "Miracle on Christmas"
It's a strange name for a black Labrador Retriever, but there's quite the real-life backstory to this one. No modern American Christmas...
Thomas Bonifield
Jun 2, 20202 min read

Introducing Brayden Eaton, a Player in "Miracle on Christmas"
The 13-year-old is well on his way to realizing his dream of becoming a professional actor. Brayden Eaton has wanted to be an actor since...
Thomas Bonifield
May 26, 20202 min read

Introducing Ethan Mathias, a Player in "Miracle on Christmas"
Even at 11 years of age, acting is but one of his many talents in the performing arts and otherwise. Ethan Mathias is a fifth grader in a...
Thomas Bonifield
May 20, 20202 min read

Introducing Lily Bowen, a Player in "Miracle on Christmas"
This is the 12-year-old's first major role in a movie, but you'd never guess it watching her perform. In a roundabout way, Lily Bowen can...
Thomas Bonifield
May 13, 20202 min read
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