Atticus Shaffer says the painful condition is what led him to the Lord.

An outspoken Christian, Atticus Shaffer is known to fans from his nine seasons on ABC's The Middle. He played the youngest of three siblings in the starring family on the sitcom, which wrapped up last year.
Since birth, the 20 year old Shaffer has suffered from osteogenesis imperfecta, a genetic condition that leads to brittle bones. In an interview with Pure Talk on, he makes clear it is a real trial.
"I've had many fractures in my life, had to recover. I've had plates, screws, rods put in through all my legs; my back is in an S-curve because of it. So I do know pain."
But Shaffer, who came to Christ at the age of 15 during his time on the show, does not complain about the suffering. In fact, he demonstrates a spritual maturity beyond his years in terms of his view of the condition.
"It's helped me to be more empathetic and be more compassionate. And really you get placed in situations where you have to depend on God. And that actually is what led me to make the decision to say I have to pick my side, I have to know the Lord."
In his interview with Pure Talk, Shaffer also discusses what it's like being a Christian in Hollywood and what he plans to do now that The Middle has run its course. You can check out the entire interview via this link.