The Academy Award-winning actor cites the Bible in urging Christians to fight to protect our values.
Jon Voight is no stranger to the cultural war, often speaking out on behalf of conservative causes and political candidates. His latest film role, playing Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger in the movie Roe v. Wade, no doubt puts him right on the front lines of that war. Currently in post-production, it's viewed as a pro-life take on the 1973 decision to legalize abortion: so much so that some pro-abortion members of the cast and crew quit during shooting.
Now the 80 year old Voight is warning that cultural trends are endangering the undergirding of our nation. He shared his concerns in a red-carpet interview with The Christian Post at the recent Movieguide Awards show.
"Family is so important and family is being attacked by people who are really trying to tear down the fabric of our society: it's true. I don't want to get into any kind of conspiracy stuff, but it's really happening, so we have to protect the values of our country and the values of family."
To add weight to his argument, Voight pointed to the Bible, citing God's calling of Isaiah and drawing a parallel between that Old Testament prophet and today's believers, saying the Lord is "asking us to help Him out."
"We're being asked to do something, so what are we going to do? Are we going to sit back and let it roll right into a ditch or step up and save the ship of state?"
The entire interview is worth watching and you can do so via this link to The Christian Post. The Movieguide Awards show, which focuses on faith-based and family-friendly movies and TV programs, is set to air on the Hallmark Channel February 25th at 10ET/PT and 9CT. As for watching Voight in Roe v. Wade, the film is expected to hit theaters sometime this fall.