Andrea Logan White was in a desperate place in her life when the Lord answered her cry for help.

Best known as a Christian actress, Andrea Logan White starred in the Erwin Brothers' Mom's Night Out and Do You Believe from Jon Gunn. She is also co-owner of Pure Flix, the movie studio founded by her husband and fellow actor David A.R. White.
The company is a leader in the Christian genre, having put out the God's Not Dead franchise and distributed many faith-based feature films over the years. It's also generating lots of orginal content for its streaming platform, including a new health show called The Healing Tribe, which Logan White hosts with Tiffany Jeffers and Heather McKean.
Though a committed Believer now, Logan White did not know the Lord as a young woman. In an interview with the Pure Flix Podcast, she shares a touching story from when she was an aspiring actress. Life was hard and she struggled, working multiple jobs just to make ends meet. Things were so dire, in fact, at one point she considered taking her own life.
"I had tears in my eyes and I was at the end of my rope and I said, ‘God, why am I on this Earth. Why am I here?’... I was suicidal."
Logan White was in her car at the time and called on the Lord to make clear to her if He were real. At that very moment, another vehicle pulled up alongside sporting a "Jesus Loves You" bumper sticker. The man inside beeped at her, then pointed toward the radio in his car.
As he drove away, she turned on her radio. And - oh my, God is good - she tuned into a Christian station that had a preacher on, sharing a message clearly tailor-made for Andrea Logan White at that dark and dangerous moment.
"It was a pastor repeating the words I had just cried out to God…(he was) saying there’s people out there crying out to God and they don’t know their purpose, and God is here and he has a plan for your life and it’s a good plan."
Wow, a miraculous instance of our loving and merciful Heavenly Father reaching out to touch the heart of one of his children in a time of crisis. And all these years later, Andrea Logan White - who is now a wife, mother of three and successful actress and film studio executive - is living out that plan, helping to touch the hearts of others for the Kingdom. What an inspirational salvation story!
You can check out her entire interview via this link. And if you're interested in watching her new show, Pure Flix is offering a 30-day free trial for its streaming service.