The folks at Movieguide go behind the scenes for a review of some of their favorite flicks of 2019.

There are some very good options for Christian television programming this Easter weekend, as we mentioned here and here. Now comes one more: Movieguide's Movies That Inspire. That show will run on Easter Sunday and countdown the most inspirational feature films from last year.
It should come as no surprise that the program includes some faith-based pictures and actors since Movieguide is a Christian organization, and one known best for reviewing films through a Christian prism. The outfit also puts on an annual awards show - the Movieguide Awards - which recognizes the best movies and actors from the realm of faith-based and family-friendly fare.

Among the pictures to be honored in this coming program are The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part, Midway and the faith-based films Overcomer - from the Kendrick Brothers - and Breakthrough, which was last year's top grossing Christian movie. The show promises to share never-before-seen footage and uplifting interviews with the likes of Tim Allen, Saoirse Ronan and Christian actor Chris Pratt, among others, and to offer a venue in which, as the organization's website states, "celebrities openly glorify God for His work and goodness in their lives."
Evy Baehr Carroll, daughter of Movieguide's founder Ted Baehr and the outfit's red-carpet reporter for film premieres, will host Sunday's show, which should reflect her view that cinema done right can be a powerful means to point to the Lord.
"Movies can be a great place for us to see God's heart in action. We can learn so much about identity, compassion, friendship, sacrifice and faith through these films."
Movieguide's Movies That Inspire will air on the cable and satellite channel Reelz on April 12th at 4:00 PM EDT/1:00 PM PDT and then again overnight at 1:00 AM EDT/10:00 PM PDT.