The "Fireproof" star hopes to help others launch successful careers in the business.

After years of live performances at Disney World, Erin Bethea started her movie career in 2006 with a bit part in Facing the Giants from Alex Kendrick and Stephen Kendrick, who were then staff pastors at her father's church in Albany, GA. She followed that up by starring opposite fellow Christian actor Kirk Cameron in the Kendrick Brothers' next picture, Fireproof.
In the 15 years since, she has acted in more than 20 movies, primarily in the faith-based genre, including our inaugural picture from last year, Miracle on Christmas. So we know Erin personally, think very highly of her and are happy to announce her latest endeavor: she is now proprietor of the recently opened Greenlight Acting Studios.

Located in the Atlanta suburb of Kennesaw, it features studio space and an audition-taping room. The Georgia native hopes she and her team of coaches will be able to help new actors "find the support, growth and guidance that I have been blessed with in my years in this business," according to a social media post.
And Erin's in a good spot geographically, because Georgia is a dynamic player in the film and television industry in general and in faith-based productions in particular. Case in point, the new movie from T.C. Stallings, My Brother's Keeper, and the Kendrick Brothers' last film, Overcomer, were both shot in the town of Columbus.
And there's already loads of on-screen talent based there, too, including five very good Christian actors we can think of right off the top our head, in addition to Erin: Cameron Arnett, Ashley Bratcher, Jason Burkey (who starred opposite Erin in Miracle on Christmas), Shannen Fields and Shari Rigby. Plus the Kendrick Brothers live in Georgia and Tyler Perry's studio is located in the state as well.
All of which means the place will draw others interested in pursuing a career in acting. With classes and coaching on offer, we feel sure Erin's new business will serve them well. So, if you're an aspiring actor in the Atlanta area, this link will take you to the Instagram page for Greenlight Acting Studios, where you can find out more. May God bless our Christian sister Erin in this endeavor!