The actress, singer and former daytime TV host promises to "dive deep" into Scripture.
Having first visited the Holy Land as a high school graduation present when she was 17, Kathie Lee Gifford has been fascinated by it ever since. The devout Christian teamed up with messianic rabbi Jason Sobel in 2018 to write a book about the place and its connection to the Bible - The Rock, The Road and the Rabbi - which became a bestseller and forms the basis of this free online offering.
Something of a combination virtual tour and Bible study, the course features Sobel and Gifford leading six video sessions, each of which is focused on a geographic location in Israel that has impacted her life. And as you will see, they are all places intimately connected with Jesus' earthly life and ministry: Bethlehem, Nazareth, Capernaum, Galilee, The Mount of Olives, Jerusalem.
In a social media post announcing this study, she promises to "explore the history" behind those locations and "dive deep into the true meaning of Scripture."
Gifford is joining forces with Bible Gateway to put on this offering, something they also did last spring, as we reported here. This time around it launches July 12th and you will need to sign up in order to take part, which you can do at no cost via this link to Bible Gateway's website. In the video below, Gifford gives more details on what you can expect.