Jimmy Fields passed away this week after a nearly year-long battle with ALS.

It is with heavy hearts that we report Christian actress Shannen Fields and her family are grieving the loss of her husband of 29 years, Jimmy Fields. As we have written previously, he was suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also know as Lou Gehrig's disease, and finally succumbed to the muscle wasting condition.
Shannen Fields, a veteran of the faith-based film genre best-known for her lead role in the Kendrick Brothers' movie Facing the Giants, has used social media to share openly about Jimmy's battle. First diagnosed on March 6th, 2020, his condition deteriorated rapidly, and it prompted absolutely heart-rending posts from Shannen as she watched "her BEST FRIEND" suffer, saying in one post "Words can't describe how much I'm in love with him."
A Bible teacher and head football coach at Trinity Christian School in Dublin, GA, Jimmy was a devout Believer, as is Shannen. Their rock-solid faith in God through this battle with ALS was consistently evident in Shannen's social media updates, where she once said, "Our love for one another is so BIG and our relationship with Jesus is the center of all of this!"
It was a regular and bold demonstration of Christian faithfulness right to the end, including the message she posted today, announcing her husband's death and in which she quotes those familiar and comforting words from Revelation 21:4.
"And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away."
Please join us in lifting up Shannen Fields and her family as they mourn the loss of her husband. May God ease the pain of their bereavement and focus their hearts and minds on the fact that our brother in Christ, Jimmy Fields, is now surrounded by the glory of our almighty and loving Heavenly Father and will be for all of eternity.