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"The Chosen" Star Jonathan Roumie Surrenders to God and a Miracle Follows

Writer: Thomas BonifieldThomas Bonifield

Updated: Aug 30, 2022

The actor had reached rock bottom and, despite considerable effort, says he was powerless to change it himself.

Jonathan Roumie playing the part of Jesus during production of season one. Image: "The Chosen."

With The Chosen having garnered 127 million views in more than 180 countries around the world, it is safe to say that Jonathan Roumie is well on his way to legitimate celebrity status. The 46-year-old New Yorker, a devout Believer who calls himself a born-again Catholic, plays Jesus in the hit streaming series, which is now in its second season.

He and show creator/director Dallas Jenkins - a fellow Christian - have combined forces to deftly blend the divine and human aspects of Jesus' character for the production. In a social media livestream, Roumie acknowledges that "God is showing us where to go."

"At the end of the day we just want to serve the vision that best gets people to identify with Jesus in a way that they maybe haven't before."

The success of the program, the all-time crowdfunding champion among media projects, is something Roumie does not take for granted. Several years ago, and before the show, he was living in Los Angeles and says he had "pretty much hit rock-bottom in a lot of ways: emotionally, financially, spiritually."

Despite "juggling six or seven jobs," Roumie was in debt, his checking account was overdrafted, he "had no food" and wasn't sure how he'd pay his upcoming bills. The straights were dire and the situation beyond his power to fix. A Christian since childhood, Roumie decided to reach out to the Lord, and he recounts part of his prayer to fully surrender himself.

"I'm going to leave all of these anxieties, all of these worries, all of these problems that I have. I'm going to leave them with you and I'm not going to worry about it and I'm just going to trust you to take care of it."

And did God ever move dramatically. That very day, Roumie says he "literally received a financial miracle in my life" when three unexpected checks came in the mail. It allowed him to right his financial position. God, however, was not done: three months later the actor landed his role as star of The Chosen. It still makes him marvel at the Lord's loving faithfulness.

"I scratch my head every day and thank God for everything He's given me. I take nothing for granted and am grateful to be here."

We are grateful, too, for the part Roumie is playing on The Chosen because he handles it with aplomb. The show has thus far released three episodes of the eight that are planned for season two and you can watch free of charge via this link to the program's website.

That social media livestream with the actor is also worth checking out. It runs about an hour and Roumie talks about his working relationship with Jenkins, reveals how he came up with his accent for the Jesus character, and gets a surprise visit from fellow cast member Jordan Walker Ross (Little James), which takes an unexpected and amusing turn (that hits at about the 40-minute mark).

11 comentários

Ana Maria Abreu Velez
Ana Maria Abreu Velez
25 de set. de 2023

God is calling many people to be the light on this shadowy world that is getting worse by the minute. Those Chosen had been put on fire for years, like Mr. Roumie says, hitting rock bottom, being humiliated to the extreme. The by a sudden event, sometime very or the worst painful one, God, the Holy Trinity had given those Chosen superhuman capabilities and the Holy Spirit guide us in a scarry and miraculous ways.

Those who humiliated us, disappearing, those who laugh at us, we cannot find any more.

We the chosen must wake up others with our life experiences. Words come and go.

I believe the next coming is near and we must help each other.


21 de fev. de 2023

Love the chosen best ever. I cried at every miracle. Jonathan is such a wonderful person to portray Jesus he’s heartwarming and a wonderful actor can’t wait for season four.

05 de mar. de 2023
Respondendo a

I’m waiting on season four as well!


15 de fev. de 2023

The Best Christian Movie Ever. It will touch your Heart.

05 de mar. de 2023
Respondendo a

I love movies about Jesus. This is the best actor to ever portray the Lord Our Christ, ever.


15 de fev. de 2023

I donate to the Chosen all the time. I co watch these actors every day. This is the best Jesus actor we’ve ever seen on television. Keep up the great work Mr. Dallas. I also love ev of the 12. The women are great too . The wine lady should have married Philip. Made me so sad. Maybe she will in season 4. Lol

05 de mar. de 2023
Respondendo a

Let’s donate! The greatest gift from any movie ever produced! Five stars! Loving it. The best actors, they’re all so talented and beautiful!


15 de fev. de 2023




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