The Christian movie plows through a significant marketing milestone.

Breakthrough stars Chrissy Metz and Topher Grace and tells the true story of 14 year John Smith, a Missouri boy who sank to the bottom of an icy lake and had no heartbeat for 40 minutes after his rescue. As doctors prepared to declare a time of death, his mother prayed aloud for God to intervene. And intervene He did: John miraculously came back to life.

While not a miracle, the film's trailer has now performed quite a feat: it crossed the 100 million-view mark online this week. It has been out for two months and is a long way from the all-time champ - Avengers: Endgame reportedly did 289 million views in just 24 hours - but this is a true milestone for a faith-based movie.
Producer DeVon Franklin, who brought us Miracles from Heaven and is one of the most prominent Christians in Hollywood, took time out from a book signing event today to celebrate the occasion with golden ballons, a box of cupcakes - they both spelled out 100 - and a shout-out to fans, saying, "Thank you for helping us make history."
Breakthrough is not due in theaters until Easter, so it's got basically two more months for that trailer tally to rise. If you'd like to do your part and put your shoulder to the wheel, as it were, you can check it out below.